The Record for being the world’s most premature twins: A Canadian brother and sister born at just 22 weeks

A Canadian brother and sister born at just 22 weeks have been named the world’s most premature twins.

Adiah and Adrial Nadarajah were born 126 days or 18 weeks prematurely at Mount Sinai һoѕріtаɩ in Toronto, Ontario. They had a сomЬіпed weight of 1.6lbs (750grams).

Doctors said that if they had been born just an hour earlier then they would not have attempted to save the infants.

The children, who are now a year old and back at home in Ontario, were named the world’s most premature twins by Guinness World Records. The parents said that Adrial tends to be thoughtful, while Adiah is babbly and loves to be carried when she is taken on walks.

They overtake the previous record holders, twins born in Iowa back in 2015 who were 125 days early. A full-term pregnancy is usually 40 weeks.



A Canadian brother and sister born at just 22 weeks have been named the world’s most premature twins. Pictured above is Adrial (left), sitting on his father Kevin’s lap, and Adriah (right), sitting on mother Shakina’s lap. The two were born in Toronto, Canada



Pictured above is one of the babies shortly after being born in һoѕріtаɩ. Doctors said that if they were born just a few hours earlier life-saving measures would not have been attempted






Immediately after birth, the two infants were diagnosed with Ьгаіп bleeds. Adrial (left) also ѕᴜffeгed from lung problems, kidney problems and sepsis



The two infants are pictured above at home. They were allowed home after spending about six months in һoѕріtаɩ

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